None of us does not want to save some money when buying an insurance policy for his car, so in this article we will discuss some tips that will help you choose the cheapest and best insurance for your car.
1. Cheapest Is Not Always Better
You should not make the basis for choosing the insurance company for your car the price factor. You should know that the price of the insurance policy varies according to the privileges contained in the insurance policy and the exceptions that, if achieved, will not get you compensation, and you should know that the new companies that do not have experience in the market and the companies that It does not have a strong credit rating and does not have much economic strength, its insurance policies are cheaper than others.
But what will you benefit if you have an accident and cannot get compensation because the insurance company does not have enough money to pay compensation because of your poor choice of insurance company.
2. Integrated Package Reduction
Some companies give a discount if you purchase an integrated package of insurance such as insurance for your car and insurance for your home against fire
3. Environmentally Friendly Cars
Electric and hybrid cars In some countries, insurance companies reduce the price of their insurance policy compared to cars that use gasoline, so you will help the environment and help yourself.
4. Reduction Due to Protections
Some insurance companies require in some countries to obtain a reduction in the price of car insurance that you put the car in a garage and not put it on the street, and other companies require that you provide the car with tracking devices and anti-theft devices such as alarms, to obtain a discount in the price of insurance.
5. Stay Away From Coverage You Don’t Need
You should check the features in your policy and exclude things that you do not need, such as saving your car if it is stuck in rough roads or renting a car for you to repair your car or insurance coverage for accidents within neighboring countries.
And for the record, if you are a person traveling on rough roads, then off-road assistance is definitely a basic feature that must be in your document, and if you are traveling with your car to neighboring countries, the car insurance feature in neighboring countries is important.
6. Consumption Ratio
The idea of depreciation that is applied to the thing subject of insurance is mainly due to the principle of compensation, which aims to put the insured in the same financial position it was in before the loss was realized, and this method is widely used by insurance companies as a means of compensating for the actual value For the damage incurred as a result of the covered loss, taking into account the life of the consumable spare parts.
7. Coverage limits
You should know that you will not take compensation for any damage more than the value of the loss incurred by the car, and that the purpose of insurance is to return the car to the condition it was in before the accident, no more and no less.
Therefore, you must inform the insurance company of the real estimated value of your car, do not increase the value of your car or reduce its value because the insurance policy is a document to compensate for damages and not a document to get rich quick.
8. No Claim Discount
Some insurance companies give the insured (the vehicle owner) a discount called “the discount for not submitting a claim” according to which the insurance premium is reduced for the next year due to the insured’s failure to submit a claim to the insurance company and his record of accidents during the previous insurance year, and this is a matter of Encouraging drivers not to commit traffic accidents. On the other hand, some insurance companies raise the premium for the new insurance year if the insured submits a claim to the insurance company during the previous insurance year.