Some people face many problems related to their rights with insurance companies, especially when it comes to the payment of compensation. Therefore, you must follow the following tips to ensure that you obtain all your rights with any insurance company.
1 – You must ensure that the company or its branches have obtained a license from the Financial Supervisory Authority, by calling the official number of the Authority, or requesting to view the license certificates from the company’s officials.
2- You must read the terms of the insurance policy well, in order to ensure that you know your rights from the company and your obligations with it.
3- All data and information related to the subject matter of insurance must be provided when writing the insurance application accurately and completely, so that you can obtain adequate and real insurance coverage for the subject matter of insurance.
4- Full cooperation and in good faith with the insurance company when making statements about your health condition, and when signing with the declarations submitted to you as a guarantee to preserve your insurance rights.
5- When you select the insurance company, you must ensure that the insurance service provided by the insurance company from the time the policy is issued until the insurance amount is paid.
6- You must pay the insurance premiums on the scheduled dates so as not to be subject to the penalty of rescinding the policy or losing your insurance rights.
7- It is recommended that you take into account the payment of insurance premiums on their due dates and obtain the document evidencing the payment of these premiums on the dates specified for that, so as not to be exposed to the insurance company’s refusal to pay compensation.
8- You must ensure that you adhere to the principle of utmost good faith in providing the correct statements. It is a continuous commitment at the beginning of insurance and when the risk is realized to guarantee your insurance rights.
9- You must be careful to fulfill your obligations stipulated in the document on time and notify the insurance company of any changes that occur to the subject matter of insurance constantly in order to ensure the preservation of your insurance rights.
10- You must be careful about the credibility of your dealings with the insurance company in terms of not resorting to providing incorrect data or documents or exaggerations in some of its data regarding compensation settlement so as not to waste your insurance rights.
Related article : 8 Important Tips for Choosing the Right Insurance Company